
An object is a container that groups data and/or functions within one variable. To access an object's attribute in Red, we use a slash (/) as a separator. This is unusual as most languages use a dot, but once you get used to it, it seems more intuitive as it is similar to a path.

Creating an object:

make object! , context & object

You may use make object! object or context to create an object. They are the same command. object and context are just shortcuts to make object!.


Evaluation is done only when creating an object! Notice that the print command in the code below is not executed when the object is accessed:

>> myobject: object [print "hello" a: 1 b: 2]
== make object! [
    a: 1
    b: 2
>> myobject/a
== 1

Self reference:

When an object must do a reference to itself, we use a special keyword named self :

x: 10
y: 20
f: func [a b][a + b]
autoanalisys: func [][print self]

Cloning an object and inheritance:

Simply assigning an object to another only creates a copy of the pointer to that object. If the original changes, the second also changes:

>> a: object [x: 10]
                                          ;lines of the console deleted for the sake of clarity.
>> b: a
                                          ;lines of the console deleted for the sake of clarity.
>> a/x: 20
== 20
>> b/x
== 20              ;changed too!

To make a true copy of an object, we use the word copy:

>> a: object [x: 10]
                                           ;lines of the console deleted for the sake of clarity.
>> b: copy a
                                           ;lines of the console deleted for the sake of clarity.
>> a/x: 20
== 20
>> b/x
== 10             ;NO change! b is a true copy.

If we want to create a new object that inherits the first object , we use: make <original object> <new specifications>:

x: 3
y: 12

find & select - for objects

find simply checks if the field exists, returning true or none .

select does the same checking, but if the field exists, returns its value.


Notice that both look for the word (indicated by the ' symbol preceding it), not the variable itself. The variable would be accessed by a simple path like obj/a.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""