String and text manipulation

This chapter is more a "how-to" than actual Red studying. Any suggestions for improvements are welcome.


Creates a block (a series) containing the pieces of a string that are separated by a delimiter. This delimiter is given as an argument. split is particularly useful to analyse and manipulate text files.

>> s: "My house is a very funny     house"            ;some console lines ahead removed for clarity
>> split s " "                                                     ;every space is a delimiter.
== ["My" "house" "is" "a" "very" "funny" "" "" "" "" "house"]      ;result is a series with 11 elements.

>> s: "My house ; is a very ; funny house"
>> split s ";"                                                     ;split happens at the semi-colons.
== ["My house " " is a very " " funny house"]                      ;result is a series with 3 elements.

removing characters: trim

word trim with no refinements removes white space (tabs and spaces) from the beginning and end of a string! (it also removes none from a block! or object!). The value of the argument is altered. It has a refinement to remove specific characters.


/head - Removes only from the head.
/tail - Removes only from the tail.
/auto - Auto indents lines relative to first line.
/lines - Removes all line breaks and extra spaces.
/all - Removes all whitespace (but not line breaks).
/with - Same as /all, but removes characters in a 'with' argument we supply. It must be one of: char! string! integer!

>> e: "   spaces before and after   "     ; some console lines ahead removed for clarity
>> trim e
== "spaces before and after"

trim leading spaces

>> e: "    spaces before and after    "   ; some console lines ahead removed for clarity
>> trim/head e
== "spaces before and after    "

trim trailing spaces

>> e: "    spaces before and after    "    ; some console lines ahead removed for clarity
>> trim/tail e
== "    spaces before and after"

trim specific characters

>> d: "our house in the middle of our street"      ; some console lines ahead removed for clarity
>> trim/with d " "
== "ourhouseinthemiddleofourstreet"
>> a: "house"          ; some console lines ahead removed for clarity
>> trim/with a "u"
== "hose"

the opposite of trim: pad

pad expands the string to a given size by adding spaces. The default is to add spaces to the right, but with the refinement /left , spaces are added to the beginning of the string. Changes the original string, beware.

>> a: "House"         ; some console lines ahead removed for clarity
>> pad a 10
== "House     "
>> pad/left a 20
== "          House     "

concatenation: rejoin

>> a: "house"   b: " "   c: "entrance"      ; some console lines ahead removed for clarity
>> rejoin [a b c]
== "house entrance"

or, using append - this changes the original series

>> append a b
== "housemanipulation"
>> a: "house" b: " " c: "entrance"     ; some console lines ahead removed for clarity
>> append a c
== "houseentrance"

>> append a append b c
== "houseentrance entrance"    ; "a" was changed to "houseentrance" in the last manipulation

turning a series into text: form

form turns a series into a string, removing brackets and adding spaces between elements. form was briefly seen in the Other useful things chapter.

>> a: ["my" "house" 23 47 4 + 8 ["a" "bee" "cee"]]      ;some console lines ahead removed for clarity
>> form a
== "my house 23 47 4 + 8 a bee cee"


The refinement /part limits the number of characters of the created string.

>> a: ["my" "house" 23 47 4 + 8 ["a" "bee" "cee"]]       ;some console lines ahead removed for clarity
>> form/part a 8
== "my house"

string length

>> f: "my house"    ;some console lines ahead removed for clarity
>> length? f        ; see chapter "Series 'getters'"
== 8

left part of string

using copy/part

>> s: "nasty thing"      ;some console lines ahead removed for clarity
>> b: copy/part s 5
== "nasty"

right part of string

using at

>> s: "nasty thing"       ;some console lines ahead removed for clarity
>> at tail s -5
== "thing"

using remove/part - this changes the original series, beware!

>> s: "nasty thing"       ; some console lines ahead removed for clarity
>> remove/part s 6
== "thing"

middle part of string

using copy/part and at:

>> a: "abcdefghijkl"       ; some console lines ahead removed for clarity
>> copy/part at a 4 3
== "def"

insert strings

at the beginning, using insert:

>> s: "house"               ; some console lines ahead removed for clarity
>> insert s "beautiful "
>> s
== "beautiful house"

at the end, using append:

>> s: "beautiful"           ; some console lines ahead removed for clarity
>> append s " day"
== "beautiful day"

in the middle, using insert at:

>> s: "nasty thing"         ; some console lines ahead removed for clarity
>> insert at s 7 "little "
>> s
== "nasty little thing"


Changes the original string, beware.

>> a: "mY HoUse"            ; some console lines ahead removed for clarity
>> lowercase a
== "my house"


>> a: "mY HoUse"            ; some console lines ahead removed for clarity
>> lowercase/part a 2
== "my HoUse"


>> a: "mY HoUse"            ; some console lines ahead removed for clarity
>> uppercase a


>> a: "mY HoUse"           ; some console lines ahead removed for clarity
>> uppercase/part a 2
== "MY HoUse"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""